The Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ July 12

Here is my Daybook entry for today ~

Outside my window. . .sunny, breezy, and hot. A very large garden spider has set up a home right outside our front door. I have named her Lucretia, and while very beautiful, she makes us all shudder a bit, as well, and one person has refused to use the front door at all. I think she makes a great watch dog spider.
I am thinking. . .about school plans for the fall.
From the learning room. . .just planning right now.
I am thankful for. . .simple days at home.
From the kitchen. . .Quiche and Cinnamon Rolls for dinner tonight.
I am wearing. . .navy shirt and denim capris.
I am creating. . .a master list of all of the stamps I have -complete with graphics and all in a notebook so that I can look through and easily see the stamps I have to choose from. I am also cataloging the stamp sets so that they will be easy to find.
I am going. . .to start having a daily storytime with the littles so that we can read together more.
I am reading. . .“Relationships – A Mess Worth Making” by Tim Lane and Paul Tripp.
I am hoping. . .to find some treasures at the library book sale later in the week.
I am hearing. . .kids bowling on the Wii, Sarah talking to Rain (her mouse), air conditioner running.
Around the house. . .projects are at a stand-still while I spend some time just doing fun things, cucumbers have been coming in nicely and are keeping us well supplied.
One of my favorite things. . .Molten Chocolate Cake at Chilli’s.
A few plans for the rest of the week. . .ice skating, bowling, library sale, stamp club, shopping, quilt store.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing. . .

Blackberry Cobbler ~ recipe coming up this week.
Thanks to Peggy at The Simple Woman’s Daybook for this wonderful meme. Visit Peggy to find the July list of participants in The Simple Woman’s Daybook.

Have a lovely day!
