Thankful Thursday – July 31

“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Here is my thankful list for today –

1. I am thankful that we had rain yesterday, even though it was just a small amount. The clouds cooled us off for a part of the day, too, which was nice.

2. I am thankful that Jeff was not hurt when his car was hit Monday night and spun around twice. I am thankful that he was able to drive the car home, that he was able to work from home for a few days and that he now has a rental car to be able to go on with life until he has his own car back.

3. I am thankful for a few days of rest coming up through the weekend, without predetermined plans.

4. I am thankful that my cross-stitching lesson with the girls at Keepers Club went well last night and that everyone seemed to have a really good time.

5. I am thankful that Ryan is settled in his new home, Matthew is settled in his new room and I can now move all of the littles’ toys out of my room into the new playroom.

6. I am thankful that Tommy bounced back quickly from his hard trip to the dentist earlier this week – he had to have 2 teeth pulled, and one was quite stubborn and wouldn’t come out easily, which made for a rough time for Tommy. I am thankful that he is doing better now.

7. I am thankful that we get to go to the library booksale today and find some wonderful treasures to bless our family! Of course, if we find too many treasures, the playroom will have to become part library!

8. I am thankful for the fun time I had with my family last weekend celebrating my brother’s and my birthday, laughing and visiting; and for the sweet gifts that I received.

9. I am thankful for my grandmother, Me-Maw, whose birthday will be tomorrow. She was a special blessing in my life – always doting and proud of her grandchildren.

10. I am thankful for the ability to bring all of my cares to my loving heavenly Father, who will carry every burden in my life for me and allow me to simply rest in His capable arms.

To read more thankful thoughts, just click on the button below to find the list of participants in this week’s Thankful Thursday. And thank you, Iris, for hosting this wonderful opportunity for us all to focus on our blessings!


6 Responses

  1. Very nice list of thankfuls.

  2. Happy birthday Me-maw! I use to crossstich all the time. It is so much fun! Blessings to you.

  3. Great thankful list! Thank God for preserving Jeff and helping Tommy. I am terrified of going to the dentist. Glad he is doing better now. I love cross-stitch too. So wonderful that you are able to teach the girls cross-stitch. God bless your kindness. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. God bless!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope to see you back! It is wonderful to fellowship with women of similar ideas and values!

  5. Hi Nancy, thanks for entering my giveaway. When you said that you have 9 kids, too, I had to pop over and visit! Your family sounds like a lot of fun — what a blessing!

  6. Yay! Your cross stitch event went well. I have taught young girls how to do that once also. It is still one of my favorite things to do when I get a chance, besides reading! Hope you found lots of treasures at the library sale. We all LOVE books here too, and there just aren’t enough shelves, are there????

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